The World's Leading Safety and Security Certification Company
We are present in 71 countries and 170+ cities

Safety and security is something we all want to take for granted. We want to know that all possible measures have been taken to ensure our well-being so that we can focus on our core business. At Safe Cert Group, we understand that an independently verified safety and security certification is the best way to ensure best practice and to demonstrate commitment in this field.
Our international team of experts come from senior safety and security positions within multinational companies and/or senior positions within Military Special Forces or Police Special units, giving us a unique position within the industry, with unparalleled competence and experience across the board.
Our international team of experts come from senior safety and security positions within multinational companies and/or senior positions within Military Special Forces or Police Special units, giving us a unique position within the industry, with unparalleled competence and experience across the board.
Our Certifications
We provide certification and standards that independently verify safety, security and hygiene within multiple business environments and sectors.
Our standards are based on best practice and consistency within each business sector and the local territory where a business is based.
We develop, monitor and update Certification standards through our team of international experts in safety, security and hygiene across the world.
All certificates are issued with blockchain-secured TRUE-technology. Making each certificate immutable and verifiable. Click to View & Verify.